6th February 2023 || 1000 words || Source
Raspberries are a fantastic fruit because they are the perfect blend of sweetness and tartness. They can be used in a variety of different ways and they are one of the most colorful, vibrant fruits you can find.
If you are a big fan of raspberries already, then you probably already know that they are commonly red in color, but did you know that raspberries can actually come in a few different colors?
We’re going to be going over the different colored raspberries you can get and some of them may surprise you!
What Color Are Raspberries?
The most common forms of raspberries come in red colors, but it might come as a shock to learn that there are a few extra colors that raspberries come in.
They come in lots of different colors, but the most common include the following:
If it comes as a bit of a shock that you can get black raspberries, then read on to find out a bit more about the different colors and how they change the way the raspberries are!
Red Raspberries
Let’s start with the most well-known and classic of all the types- the red raspberry. This is the most common of raspberry types and is the type you are most likely to find in a grocery store.
What you may not know about red raspberries is that there are actually multiple different types of this color and each is unique in its own way. Let’s take a little look at some of the variations you can get to help you understand their differences a bit better!
This type of red raspberry is a summer-bearing variety that produces medium-sized red raspberries. This particular variation is actually one of the sweetest types of raspberries that you will find. Once the seeds have fully matured and grown, the raspberries should start appearing between July and August.
Prelude raspberries can be medium or large in size and they are also quite resistant to the cold. If you are thinking of growing raspberries for yourself, then prelude raspberries are a great option because they actually resist Phytophthora root rot, which is a common disease that affects raspberry plants. The raspberries on this plant will appear between the months of July and September.
Encore raspberries are a variety that is usually quite large and they are resistant to root rot. They can be grown in both hot and cold temperatures and between the months of July to early August.
Pink Raspberries
Though you might think that you have had pink raspberries before, they were probably just a very light red! Real pink raspberries are actually incredibly rare and finding them can be quite a challenge.
There is one type of pink raspberry that you can get your hands on though, so let’s take a little look at it now!
Double Gold
Though double gold is classed as a pink raspberry, these raspberries can actually take on an orange color instead. They usually fruit between the months of July and September. Double gold raspberries prefer colder weather and they resist resists Phytophthora root rot.
Black Raspberries
We can assure you that these are not blackberries in disguise, they are a very legitimate type of raspberry! Black raspberries are a lot smaller than the other colors, but they are absolutely bursting with flavor. They have the perfect balance of sweetness and tartness, so if you are able to get hold of some, you should definitely give them a try!
Here are some types of black raspberries that you can grow for yourself.
Niwot raspberry fruit twice a year between the months of June and August. This raspberry plant prefers colder weather.
Another variety of black raspberries, Cumberland is a summer baring type that fruits in September. The Cumberland raspberry plant is great at tolerating the cold.
Purple Raspberries
This type of raspberry is actually a hybrid made by cross-breeding red and black raspberries. They are much tarter than red raspberries, but they still have a lovely sweetness to them. Purple raspberries are not very common in grocery stores, but you can get hold of them at farmer's markets.
Here are some purple raspberry varieties you can find.
This variety of purple raspberries is summer-bearing and will produce medium-sized raspberries for you to enjoy. This variety fruits in the early summer and it tolerates heat really well.
Crimson Night
Crimson Night raspberries are can be medium or large in size and they usually fruit between the months of June and September. This variety of raspberries is also resistant to Phytophthora root rot.
Brandywine raspberries are great because they are quite large for raspberries, so if you really love this fruit, this is a great option to try. This variety fruits between the months of July and September.
Yellow Raspberries
This variety of raspberries is also known as golden raspberries and they are sweeter than red raspberries, but a lot less tart. They are not as common as red raspberries, but not nearly as rare are pink raspberries.
There are a few different types of yellow raspberries that you can get, so let’s take a look at some of them now.
This variety is fairly large and they fruit between the months of July and September. This variety can handle both cold and warm temperatures.
Kiwi Gold
This variety of yellow raspberries are medium-sized and they fruit in early August. They were discovered in New Zealand, hence their name, and the raspberry plant itself is disease-resistant.
Honey Queen
This variety of yellow raspberries is medium in size and they fruit twice a year during the months of June and August. This is another variation that is disease-resistant.
As you can see, there are many more colors of raspberries that go beyond just red! If you’ve never tried some of these colors before, see if you can find them or grow them for yourself! You will enjoy them!