1st August 2023 || 1,222 words || Source
In this day and age, it's easy to get caught up in the mundane parts of life. Anxiety and mental health issues seem to be at an all-time high. Social pressures, the cost of living, and lack of work opportunities are causing people to lose hope, but there are some things we can do in order to recenter our minds.
One such thing that can really help you is meditation. I know, I know, lots of people think that meditation is just some New Age nonsense, but you would be really surprised at some of the benefits it has on your physical and mental well-being.
If you are interested in meditation, but you are still on the fence about starting, keep reading to learn about 10 benefits that come with meditating regularly.
#1 - It Helps With Anxiety
One of the biggest reasons why people take up meditation is because they want to relax. It's difficult to stop the mind racing, and anxiety can creep up at almost any moment. Practising meditation regularly helps you to let go of intrusive thoughts and not hold onto them for as long. This, in turn, helps you to manage your anxiety.
It won't just cure your anxiety, but it will help you form a better relationship with it. Meditation is all about existing in the here and now, not holding onto thoughts and feelings, and just letting them in and out.
#2 - You'll Sleep Better
I have always struggled to get a good night's sleep. I've always been a bit of a night owl and getting myself tired enough for bed has been a constant issue since I was about 16. But one thing that I will always swear by that helps is meditation.
Having a small 10 to 20-minute meditation session before bed can relax you enough that you should be able to sleep better. On those nights when you are struggling to sleep, all you need to do is lay in bed on your back and just meditate there. More often than not, you will find that you fall asleep mid-meditation!
#3 - It Improves Creativity
If you are a fellow creative and you find yourself suffering from creative block, then meditation might be able to answer your problems. There have been countless studies that have proved that meditation actually increases creative thinking.
Scrolling around on the internet can help generate new ideas, but the best ideas come straight from the mind's Eye. When you meditate frequently, you will find that generating new ideas comes much easier, and you will be able to power through your creative blocks.
#4 - When You Meditate, You're Happier
Don't roll your eyes at this one, because it is true! People who meditate regularly are generally a lot happier than those who don't.
Often, we rely too heavily on the material world when it comes to our happiness, but meditation helps to remind us that happiness starts with ourselves and our attitude. Your brain chemistry changes when you meditate, and you don't need to rely on the material world to be happy all the time. Positive mindsets are incredibly powerful!
#5 - It Improves Relationships
This one might surprise you, but meditation actually helps to improve your relationships. Because it promotes mindfulness, it helps you have more positive responses to those around you, which in turn strengthens your relationships.
Too often we jump to conclusions and let anger get the better of us, and this can be seen within our relationships. Regular meditation will improve your focus and the way you respond to people. Plus, because you will be overall happier with a better attitude, this energy will be picked up by those around you.
You would be surprised by how drastically a positive outlook and attitude have in regard to the state of your relationships.
#6 - Meditation Is Good For The Heart
Heart health is one of the most important things you need to keep an eye on, and meditation definitely benefits it. When you meditate regularly, it actually lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease and related heart issues.
On top of this, meditation helps to keep your blood pressure low, improves your heart muscle efficiency, and generally makes your heart stronger and healthier.
#7 - It Can Break Bad Habits
Addiction and bad habits are extremely hard to conquer, but meditation can actually help you on your journey. Meditation is all about existing in the present moment and bringing the subconscious into the conscious realm.
It will help you face these bad habits and addictions and in some cases, help you understand the root cause of why you have them in the first place. You can't just rely on meditation alone for addiction, but it really does help you on your journey.
#8 - Conquering Anger
Anger is a big issue for a lot of people and more often than not, it's almost impossible to control. Meditation actually helps you in managing your anger, and it improves the way you react to things.
When you meditate frequently, you will find that you react in anger a lot less than you would if you didn't meditate. Again, meditation is all about existing in the present moment, and when you learn to manage your anger and respond in a calmer way, it can drastically improve even the shortest of fuses.
#9 - Stress, Be Gone!
We all get stressed. In this day and age, it's almost impossible not to get stressed at least 20 times a day, but that doesn't mean that that stress can't be managed.
As I have previously mentioned, meditation helps with anxiety, helps you sleep better, and it reduces how often you get angry. All of these things directly relate to your stress levels, so when you meditate frequently, you will find you naturally get stressed less.
Lots of people don't understand just how important calmness and stillness is, and that's why meditation is so important!
#10 - It Helps With Pain Management
Chronic illness is something that lots of people have to live with, and it can be challenging to get through the day when you have it. Pain is no joke and it can really make even the simplest of tasks challenging.
There have been many studies over the years that prove that meditation can really help with pain management. In lots of cases, it can even reduce the pain that you are feeling. Meditation taps into the part of your brain that controls your pain receptors and it boosts your immune system, which in turn will help you fight any pain you are feeling.
It won't cure your pain, unfortunately, but it does help with your overall quality of life. Don't ditch your GP for meditation, but instead, incorporate both into your daily life.
Final Thoughts
Mediation is a lot more than just sitting in the lotus position and chanting 'om' over and over. It has been proven time and again that it improves your overall quality of life, and there are no real negative side effects when you practice it regularly.
If you have never tried meditating before and you are looking to improve your mind, body, and spirit, I highly recommend giving it a try! I will be going into some of the different types of meditation on my page very soon, so let me know if you would like to know more!